Ashby Baggers' Founders Make Impressive Stand at UK Cornhole League Open

In an inspiring display of sportsmanship and skill, the Ashby Baggers Cornhole Club's founders, Danny Saunt and Andy Clayfield, showcased their talent at the UK Cornhole League Open in Manchester. Starting as novices in the sport just this past June, their journey to competing alongside some of the UK's best Cornhole players is nothing short of remarkable.

Competing in a field of 24 seasoned players, Danny Saunt secured a commendable 7th place, with Andy Clayfield not far behind in 13th. Their achievements are a testament to their dedication and rapid development in the sport of Cornhole. However, for Saunt and Clayfield, the tournament was more about the rich experience gained rather than the final standings.

The Ashby Baggers extend their deepest gratitude to Daniel Lilley from the UK Cornhole League for his ongoing support and mentorship. His guidance has been crucial in helping Saunt and Clayfield find their footing in the competitive Cornhole community. Another heartfelt thanks goes to Tony Gavan of Sneak Cornhole, whose generous donation of Cornhole boards provided the Baggers with the essential equipment to hone their skills.

The club also acknowledges the significant role played by Everyone Active Leisure Centre in Ashby De La Zouch. Their partnership and sponsorship of equipment have been invaluable, giving Saunt and Clayfield the opportunity to train effectively and compete at a high level.

As the club reflects on the successes and looks to the future, efforts are being ramped up to secure further sponsorship from the local community. These partnerships will be instrumental in opening the club to the public and expanding the reach of Cornhole within Ashby.

The Ashby Baggers are more than a club; they're a symbol of community spirit and sporting passion. Anyone interested in joining this vibrant group, whether as a player, supporter, or sponsor, is encouraged to express their interest at With the community's support, the Baggers are set to bring Cornhole into the limelight in Ashby and beyond.

Stay tuned for more updates as the Ashby Baggers continue to carve out their legacy in the world of Cornhole.


Ashby Baggers Cornhole Club Opens Doors for Free November Fun


Ashby Baggers Founders Set to Compete at the Prestigious UK Open in Manchester