We are deeply grateful to Everyone Active for their generous sponsorship of a complete set of Cornhole boards and bags, a contribution that has been instrumental in introducing this engaging sport to our community.

This partnership has not only provided the essential tools needed for up to four individuals to play simultaneously, enhancing social interaction and competitive spirit, but it also underscores the profound commitment of Everyone Active to promote health, wellness, and community engagement.

The high-quality equipment, emblazoned with the Everyone Active branding, is a testament to our aligned values and shared vision of bringing people together through sport.

Moreover, their state-of-the-art facility has become the premier venue for Cornhole in the area, offering a welcoming and professional environment for players of all levels to enjoy and benefit from the game.

This alliance showcases the significant impact that even a single set of boards can have, and we invite other potential sponsors to join us in expanding this positive influence within Ashby and beyond.